Saturday, April 10, 2010

Birthday boy...

Where does one start (this may be long, sorry), I was cleaning and then I started organizing my photos online and decided to write about this beautiful being that I have been blessed with. I don't have all the photos online yet, but found some good one for this.

Hunter was born April 10, 2001 at 4:14 am. His birth was rather fast, I mean at least listening to all those horrid stories where it would take days. I left work and after an hour and a half commute from the West Desert finally made it home. I ordered a large Domino's pepperoni pizza, ate the whole thing and fell asleep on the couch watching tv. I awoke and was making my way to the bedroom when it felt like I had peed my pants, I thought that was weird. Experiencing a back ache I started thinking maybe I didn't pee, and what does every child do when they start not feeling good do, I called my mom. I remember talking to her on the phone and she suggested that maybe we should just go to the hospital, you know just in case. I agreed.

It was a little after 9 pm. I WANTED the epidural, sorry, I may act strong but so really not at times. I ended up throwing up the pizza and my blood pressure started dropping so they had to give me some oxygen. But come 4:14 I had a son. I had to yell at my mom for leaning on my leg, that hurt. She cut the cord. They had asked me at one point in time if I wanted a mirror to watch, and again sorry but really who wants to watch that? He had come out with his hand to his forehead, I remember the red mark on his forehead for the longest time, I thought it would never go away. He has a little birthmark on his bum, of course it took me forever to get use to that because I just kept thinking I wasn't wiping good enough. Trust me no matter how many times you wipe, the mark will stay.

He was super sensitive to my breast milk, no matter what the doctor and I tried it caused more problems than it did help him so we started formula. Yes, he had expensive test even as an infant. He would not settle just for any formula, no generic cheapy for him. I had to finally start getting the expensive stuff, soy everything added to it for sensitive stomach stuff. We have been doomed to fight always, even in the womb he had more hiccups than I could even stand.

Of course I tried to get him to crawl, guess what he skooted. In fact my brother-in-law called him "skooter". The boy would not really crawl, he then started to pull himself up and walked with assistance. Later in his life I finally find out that step is actually a crucial link that is needed in his brain and his karate teacher (who worked with ADHD kids during the day) taught us a few techniques that helped him in school some, trust me it has helped even if his aunt says he is ADHD, yes I know jokingly but you know deep down you are thinking, "well maybe".

I always thought he was a brilliant child, what mother doesn't, he knew all his colors before he was two. He would line up his hot wheel cars all perfect in a row. He had to continuously wash his hands, I started thinking he had OCD, now a days I have to beg him to wash. He still has to have things just a certain way and has melt downs if they don't go his way, really come one I have no idea where he gets that from (I am trying to forget the Mother's day outing I had planned and it didn't work out and my darling brother had to step in and come up with something else because I was crying on the side of the road, but really come on that is totally different right???).

He makes friends so easily. He love animals and sometimes I catch him with a tear when he sees commercials for the Humane society, which I find funny because if I am crying over a movie he has to ask me why I am crying. He doesn't understand why he gets frog items from my family and looks to me and I tell him "sometimes they forget you like your own things and just buy things that mommy likes too". Of course he can't believe he got a pig cutting board because that is something Mary likes, but we love using it!

He has learned how to manipulate the system, if mom says no he can usually get it from Grandma or Grandpa. I let him know how spoiled he is each time and his only response is "true" and yes that is his actual word.

I love this little boy more than anything in this world. I know a big surprise and a huge cliche, but I promise you I never would have known until I had him. When I am around other kids now I know they can get on my nerves but it is so totally different when it comes to your own. I don't know how any one parent can ever repay to a child what love they have for them, but I promise you it is not from a lack of trying.

My only hope for this young lad who turns 9 today is that I can teach him to make the right decisions and the same values and standards I have learned from my parents. I never truly appreciated them when I was growing up but I do appreciate them more than they could even know now and they have my son to thank for that.

I gathered pictures the best I could from his birthdays. I am missing the all but important picture of the day of his birth, sorry, I am slowly organizing them. I am also missing his ultrasound pictures and my belly shot, not sure I will ever find those and that makes me sad, but I am more happy that we have time and memories together.

He returns tomorrow from his dad's, I can't wait to see him.

As for the pictures, going from top to bottom. 1st birthday, 2nd birthday breakfast, 3rd year potty shot (what mom doesn't get that shot and try to embarass their child with it), 4th year birthday party at daycare, 5th year just a shot at the park, 6th year friend birthday party, 7th year friend birthday party, I want to say the last one is his 8th year but I just liked it so I grabbed it.

Happy Birthday Hunter. Love you babe.

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