Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering heroes and other things...

I know, how cliche but I remember talking to H about 9/11 a few months ago, this date is significant to America now and I usually don't hide things when it comes to my son, he asks and I may not explain all the gory or unfortunate details but he does get the truth.

9/11 happened in the same year he was born, he was just 8 months old and I was riding the bus on the way to work. On the back seat I had a walkman, not an iPod, and I was listening to my radio station I normally do on the way to work. I couldn't believe a word I was hearing, I cried the whole way, not much work got done in our office that day.

I have not been one that has wanted to have a family for a number of different reasons, listening to everything happening only reminded me why I didn't want to have children because it is hard for me to even think today on how we can live in a world with such tragedy, but I have learned to find the good in things, I struggle still with this but usually the best moments with my son help to remember what is right in the world.

There are many different heroes, some step up in the heat of the moment and others are heroes by choice. We just want to offer a wonderful thanks to any and all heroes but most importantly we want to make sure that any heroes that have fallen in duty your bravery is forever rewarded in our hearts.

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