Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spiderman, spiderman...

I am a geek at heart, I am not good at remembering all the nitty gritty details when it comes to the geekhood but I like it none the less. I am quite proud to say that the boy is taking after me in the geekness and even better yet he does remember the details.

I have worked at my job for 10 years now, there are many new faces that I don't know names to but there are some old ones that I consider friends with. In my many hours at work sometimes to get through the day I find ways to amuse myself and hopefully others. One of those ways is at the end of some of my emails I put a note of "Thanks, from your friendly neighborhood AP girl". One of the guys I work with got a kick out of this and we have joked back and forth about this. He even sends me invoices to enter with some fancy artwork of the Spiderman symbol on it.

Well one day I had one of my girls bring me a package and inside was a Spiderman comic book, seriously made my day, I left it out for all to see and of course had to explain the inside joke. Well I did finally get around to telling my friend thanks for the comic, he said he was cleaning out some stuff at home and wanted to know if I wanted a few more. I gladly accepted to take these off his hands and brought them home to the boy. There are 8 in all, probably not worth anything but they are still great, the boy was so excited for them.

H made a thank you letter that I am to send out to him. It reads like below...

"Dear Mr. Q,

Thanks for the Spiderman comics I read the web of Spiderman spider-armor. I love Spiderman. Your the coolest. Too bad that I haven't met you in face.


He even drew a picture of Spiderman's face and on the back a picture of Venom's face with a screaming victim.