Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Local disturber...

Today while driving to daycare we pulled up to the stop light and the boy was looking out the passenger window. I could see him get a little tense and he looked straight forward as a delivery truck pulled up beside us.

I didn't think much of it while we waited for the light to change. Then he says "mama, the truck beside us is a local disturber." It took a few seconds for what he said to sink in so I looked at him and said "huh?", he was cautiously trying to point to the truck and said again "a local disturber". I looked at the side of the truck and it said local distributor. I explained the difference and we laughed because he said "oh, good because I didn't want to be disturbed."

Of course I think we should have that caution on our car because he is a disturber himself but I am sure most would think that too.

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