Thursday, April 15, 2010

Back to funny...

So my loving sister has pointed out I have been to serious in my blogs lately so I am going to lighten it up some. I follow another blog and she interviews her children on their birthday, obviously her questions get way funnier responses. If you make it through the interview at the end you will see an all too funny conversation between he and I during dinner tonight.

Can I do an interview? What's that?
I ask you a bunch of questions. Okay.
How old are you now? 9.
What is your favorite color? B.lue
What is your favorite thing to do? Play video games.
What is your favorite food? Chicken.
Is there anything special that you want to tell people about on your birthday? I love my mom.
Are you just saying that because your mom is asking you the questions? No, I really love my mom.
If there was anything in this whole wide world that you could have what would you choose? a million bucks.
What would you like for your birthday party? A lot of Dreamworks How to Train a Dragon stuff.
You know you are getting that already so is there anything else? Maybe my grandma, grandpa, Mary and my cousins (I interrupt him at this point)
Those are people so you think you're getting people? Oh, I don't know then, I don't have an answer.

Him back to me "Mom, are you doing a surprise for me?" If I was doing a surprise do you think I would be asking questions?

Alright as promised at dinner Hunter told me that he wanted to have a little bacon cheese burger and a cheese burger. I ask him if he was sure because they are big, he says yes, so I let him. After we sit down and start sorting out the food he says I thought mine would be smaller.

And again he pulls out the bacon and the conversation goes like this below.

"I like pig"
"That's bacon"
"I know but it's pig"
"But you know bacon comes from pig but they call it bacon"
"No it is spelt minuse the b-a-c-o-n but add the p-i-g"

Truely I hope he was trying to toy with me.

I also had quite the conversation with him regarding the bathroom, it did included sound effects, not a dinner conversation to be held around just anyone.

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