Friday, June 1, 2012

Siri scares me...

Alright it is not just Siri but the idea of a new phone in general really frightens me for a number of reasons.

1- I am so far from tech savvy that I am so clueless. Why yes H has learned to use my phone faster than I.

2- I feel your phone should not be smarter than yourself, pretty sure this phone wins hands down.

3- Now that I have an iPhone I may have to help and assist the old man with his, that could be a disaster, one must remember to breathe during those sessions.

4- My identity with the boy as mother is being even more diminished by the fact that he "talks" to Siri more than me now.

Something I am proud of at this point though, I did figure out how to blog from it. I failed miserably at that on the blackberry. I also figured out how to post on fb and place a photo with that post, there may be some hope for me yet so watch out you may hear more from me. SCARY I know.