Sunday, August 9, 2009

Meals and a yard sale...

So I have tried again to cook, I don't want the good food I have been getting from the CSA and the Co-op to go to waste. My BS (that is baby sister, although you could sub what it really means and we would still be talking about the same person) showed me a magazine at the store that porportioned meals to cater to two. I am not a big leftover eater, there are a few dishes that I will actually eat that are left over (sorry, it is my picky palate that is sensitive to many things). I tried my hand at a chicken and vegetable dish last night, with many substitutes to foods I already had. Pork instead of chicken, paprika instead of red pepper, limes instead of lemon (I prefer lime anyway) and other sort of substitutes. I actually really liked it, it was good, very greasy still but good. I know some things I will change the next time but over all it was good. The boy ate some of it, but it the lime taste was a little too tart for him so he chose not to eat much of it. I was promised if I make it again he will try it because I told him I could just put the lime on my part of it so it is not so sour for him.

I have learned I need to have a recipe in front of me to cook (portioned to two, yes I know you can do it yourself but I just don't) but I am a rule breaker, I try to sub the ingredients with items I have around the house and spices that are boy approved.

My kind OS (older sister, I had this explained once on twitter but it seems as though BS has either forgotten or as always just never listens to me, Tami would be MS for middle sister), allowed us to use her yard for our yard sale (THANKS), I actually made some money this time, it was great. I still owe BS for lunch though. We plan to hit up some yard sales this weekend looking for items. I did it last weekend too and got a new big mirror to replace the one in my bathroom,I am still holding up hope there is an outlet behind it because it is ODD that I don't have an outlet in my bathroom currently an orange extention cord is be run down the hall to sub for it (just ugly and inconvenient). But with many other things my luck is there is no outlet and I will have to carry on with the cord. But I also found a small desk that the boy can use for homework and such. It was a light lime green color. We sanded it and painted it to the boys liking. We bought a desk lamp to put on it and everything. I am hoping this will be a great addition but it may just end up collecting toys as the picture shows it has Legos on it right now. Hopefully I will find more additions, the mirror was $5 and the desk was less than $1 because I got a bunch of other things. I was excited!

It must be jelly because jam don't shake like that. (yes, that is some kind of fat joke ;))

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