Thursday, August 6, 2009

My young Edward...

So the little boy in my life got hurt on his skooter again today. This one was a little more nasty than the last and a lot more blood. He has scraped up his elbow and the side of his hip bone.

I am only posting this because the sweet young man was all worried that his white shirt now had blood all over it, mind you this shirt is just one of those cheap undershirts and it is not that white given that he had worn it most of the day. He is sobbing to me telling me his blood is has ruined it, I assured him that the shirt will live but he may not because of his blood all over.

***If you have a weak stomach do not proceed***

Well guess that was a mistake because between the sobs he has decided he needs to take his dirty fingers collect the blood and put it in his mouth. I ask him what he thought he was doing, he said he had to put the blood back in his body so he still had blood.

I should know better!

Oh well, he mended (he keeps calling his boo boos boobies) and because it is Thursday he is reading currently but I just couldn't pass up such a cute story.

Live long and prosper.

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