Okay, H has been flying back and forth from my house to his dad's house since he was 5 and by himself since he was 8 so he is a well traveled little boy. He is good on planes and usually falls asleep even before the plane is up in the air.
My complaint in this whole process is there have been a number of things that have happened in the whole unaccompanied minor process. Maybe my experiences have been out of the norm but we have been doing this for awhile now so really come on how many times does something need to happen for it to be un-normal.
He flies Delta and because of his age he has to fly on a direct route which is all good and dandy because less of a chance for something else to happen to him. We get to the airport and we have to go to the counter to check him in because of the paperwork that needs to be filled out and the additional fees. As we go to the line for the counter of course the "monitors" there don't seem to think I know what I am doing and always try to get me to go to the kiosks and want to see the ticket info I have. I explain he is an unaccompanied minor so I am going the correct way.
Most times we have a nice enough agent helping us but sometimes we get the one that you can tell is really annoyed at being there. Not sure if they are annoyed with our situation because he has to fly by himself or if they just are having a bad day or even if they are just ready to go home because I know I have had those days. We always check a bag, most of the agents look at me like really why are you checking this because it will cost $25. I know how much is costs, he wants to take his stuff with him. I question sending his stuff with him because it doesn't seem like they want it or need it there but it is the only stuff that is stable in his life that he can take with him at this point so to me I would pay whatever for him to feel comfortable.
Next thing that changes on each trip, the paperwork you have to feel out. I don't mind filling out the paperwork but you should be consistent on what you need me to feel out. Some agents are more helpful than others where they give me his dad's address or they feel out everything and I just need to sign but we have had the ones that get upset at me because I don't have his dad's address memorized, he has a new address pretty much each trip I am sorry I don't care to learn them if they are going to change anyway.
Then I get the instructions and I am told I need to wait at the gate until the flight has taken off and they will put him on the plane first. Which again I am fine with but then the gate agent takes his ticket and some of them call him first other prefer to load them last. I am fine with either one when you take the ticket just tell me instead of making me try to figure out which you prefer. Sometimes you can see the plane from where they load, other times not. I have been told at times I can leave once it leaves the loading zone other times I have been told I need to be there until the plane is in the air. I have been told only once, once mind you that the plane has left and I can leave now. I have gone up and asked before when I can leave and I get the look at really why are you even still here. I thought I was following the rules I don't know.
Typically TSA has never caused me any grief up until today and this is why I am even writing any of this down. They have been pretty consistent through all of this process, well today I was told to next time put the ticket through the scanner and not carry it with me. If you didn't want me to carry the ticket, which is what I all the times before then maybe instead of calling me through the machine ask me to put the ticket through and not cuss me out because I didn't read your mind.
I really don't mind any of this and it would never has caused me to get upset today if they and the airline could be consistent through all of this. It is hard enough for the child leaving or the parent (or other) sending them away but really don't you think some consistency would help us to feel not only more safe but secure in knowing you are going to take care of my child?
That is it, sorry I have ranted and if you made it this far good for you but I appreciate the ear.
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