Friday, April 24, 2009

Wasting time...

So I really should be working on the cake that I need to have done before Saturday but poor planning on my part and currently I am waiting for the dishwasher to get done so I can work on it. H is playing with a friend so I am taking advantage to listen to RFH marathon day and blog once more.

Okay so there are these apartment buildings across the street from our "driveway". Really there is no way to avoid these because it is the only exit way from my condo. Low and behold there is this group that I have dubbed "The Firepeople" (FP). Really have have no problem with people who are just wanting to enjoy the outdoors, and the fact that they smoke and drink have no weighing value on these guys. I call them the FP because they have a fire pit that they pull out and sit or stand around.

I have no problem with them except for the fact that they are ALWAYS outside. It is such a rare occasion if they are not outside. Usually they will stand around the pit, but they have camping chairs they pull out too to sit on. Well I think for special occasions they pull out the fancy stuff. The picture below is their version of top quality sitting for the pit.

It is office furniture or padded dining room chairs. They don't pull it out that often because I have only seen it once but seriously, what the heck is wrong with the regular camping chairs? They were setting this up all day and later that night there were more of them, like double the number of those that are normally there. I just had to show the hick version of comfy living. I just thought this was hilarious and I had told Mar about this once but I don't think I ever showed her the picture.

Those of you who are The Office fans may actually catch this one.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzy - Michael Scott

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