Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Another year and cleaning...

I think I have been doing pretty good keeping updated lately, wish I could say the same about the exercise. But month end is done and I shouldn't have many excuses yet. This past weekend I did dodge our walk for cleaning H bedroom instead. When I say clean I mean got rid of old toys, rearranged furniture and finally hung up this organizer thing that I bought like over a year ago at Ikea. I totally forgot we had it bought, but found it while we were cleaning.

He also wanted a hamper for his dirty clothes, he asked if he could get one because he didn't want to put them in mine. I thought what the heck, sure why not if it gets him to put his dirty laundry in one place instead of all over I will get it. Well we get home that night and it is one of those foldable, meshy ones that just pop up, and we put it in his room. Well he got excited when it was time to put his clothes for the day into the hamper. I told him if he doesn't know which goes on what side he can ask I will help. Blue side dark clothes, white side light clothes. Well I guess that just did not fill it up fast enough (mind you one day), he decided that some pajama pants from his drawer were dirty. Then some shirts from his drawer were dirty. You name it it was dirty. So I had to pull mostly everything out. I remembered we still have laundry that I was trying to get through from the Vegas trip (I know I am really slow at cleaning my house) so I let him sort that out. But of course I got scolded on my clothes being in with his clothes and that was just not allowed. He also expressed that we would need to take turns on doing laundry so we didn't have to wash our clothes together. You think he was a teenager already.

His birthday is coming up, I can't believe he is going to be turning 8.

Grandpa, Mama and H in Pennsylvania. H is 18 months.

This one is my favorite from his first birthday party. You can see his really blue eyes, although they have turned to more of a green blue now.

This one we were just goofing around just a few months ago because his hair is not that short anymore.

Although I can't wait to see him make changes through out the next year I can't believe he has to grow up. Let the adventure continue.

Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Bean said...

I hate laundry! My kids always have clothes all over and they mix their clean clothes with their dirty clothes all the time. I feel like I can never keep up on the laundry in this house. I hope H has a very happy birthday!

fmandds said...

He is so cute! Coopers Rock, Virginia. One of the few places I can say I've visited for more times than necessary for all that it is. I said it on Norah's blog once, in regards to a pic there, so I'll say it to also. You have to give a shout out to the picture taker! Which, of course, was me. SEFTFE!